WOW, ten more days to my birthday. Can't believe I will be 29!!! So far the this is the third day this web site's been up and already we have nearly every book ever written. Soon I will have Unique Realities products that can be bought and even the BOOKS!!!! How cool is that!
     So let me know what you guys think of the site thus far, I want your honest oppinion. There will be more information coming in as more books start coming out. Pretty soon we will have books from E.J as well as some of my other friends like Claudia Knight and Ariana Nava! Also I will blog about each book and give fans an insight as to what was happening in my life when I wrote the book(s) Hope to hear from you soon.

9/3/2009 07:00:03 am

Love the new site, can't wait to see what else you do with it. I am a huge fan of the Swift Killas books and look forward to this Rogue Accord that people have been buzzing about. Will you have a link that will take you directly to an online bookstore? I think that would be great!

Erika Moore
9/4/2009 01:02:08 am

I was a huge fan of Petals of Rose and am just now reading the Rake. Thanks for letting me know about this site, I didn't know that Swift Killas: Vengeance and Petals of Rose had intertwined, that makes so much sense now that I recall that chapter at the bank.
I must say though, the Rake is an awesome story that has gotten me and my girls talking. The way you make this man move, talk and even make love to these girls is off the hook! I know Swift Killas is your main bread and butter but I have to ask if there is another book like this in the works. Is so, this fan is dying to for it to drop so she can add it to her collection.

9/8/2009 03:16:00 am

I am a huge fan of the Swift Killas series. Keep up the excellent work!

9/15/2009 08:50:45 am


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